Autogenic Drainage Training Website

The Need

Over 30,000 children and adults have Cystic Fibrosis (CF) in the United States. In CF patients, the lungs produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and vessels. Because the lungs are difficult to clear with coughing alone, the resulting build-up of mucus can lead to potentially life- threatening lung infections.

To manage these complications, patients with CF must adhere to a multifaceted treatment plan typically including antibiotics, airway clearance therapy, and supplements to aid in nutrient absorption. Adhering to and correctly performing a treatment plan correctly can be very difficult. Sixty percent of CF patients have indicated that barriers to compliance include lack of time, forgetfulness and unwillingness to perform treatment in public.

The Project

This project resulted in the Clear Path website, which provides patients with necessary information about Cystic Fibrosis, helps them make informed choices regarding their condition, teaches patients about the treatments available to them so that they can play a proactive role in managing their condition in conjunction with their care teams, and equips patients with the tools necessary to successfully perform Autogenic Drainage, one of the most effective airway clearance techniques. In making these resources readily available, the site works to ease the burden of sticking to a complex treatment regimen. Ultimately the project aimed to empower patients such that they feel in control of their Cystic Fibrosis.


Current Status

This project is complete! The website is active.


Communication System Mounting Project


Touchscreen Guard