Sensory Cube

The Need
Children with disabilities often have limited opportunities to experience sensory stimulation. As a result, they develop more slowly than other children. Clinicians at the For His Children orphanage in Ecuador requested a device that would enhance the sensory experience of children with disabilities at the center. They wanted it to enable the children to participate in activities that engage their auditory, vestibular, tactile, and visual senses, and also to encourage them to interact with other children.
The Project
The team built two sensory cubes. The first cube was designed to provide exciting stimulation for children with low tone, who need the positive stimulation and sensory system development. This cube was comprised of bright colors, bumpy/rough textures, percussion instruments, and more. The second cube was designed be calming for children with high muscle tone and high levels of stress and anxiety. The calming cube was designed with muted colors, soft/ smooth textures, calming instruments like a rain stick, and more.
Current Status
Both cubes were delivered to the orphanage in March, 2016. They were used successfully in therapies for the children and suggested modifications were recorded for future iterations.