Sensory Tray (Skyla)

The Need:
This project's goal was to create an easily attachable and detachable sensory tray with the ability to interchange various sensory items. The tray, by nature, had to be secure, as it was attached to a wheelchair. Preferably, this tray had to have the option to be adapted for various wheelchair systems to enable other users to use the tray.
The Solution:
Our main priority was to find a way to attach the tray securely to Skyla's wheelchair. Our eventual system was a series of buckles and cables that ran from the top of the tray and under Skyla's table. This attachment system (pictured above) was chosen as it was the most discreet way to hold the tray in place, and make space on top of the tray to position all of the objects.
Objects on the tray were designed with different textures in mind and some may would cause a small sound to be played if interacted with. The objects on the sensory tray were also designed to be something that would keep Skyla engaged so she would not resort to undesired behaviors. For example, one object on the tray was to be designed to keep her from pulling on her G-tube (feeding tube), to mimic a similar feel, but will not cause harm if played with. We also planned to have an object that made noises when pulled on, using a badge holder and a guiro. When the badge holder was pulled, the guiro would rotate and create a sound, and when let go, the badge holder would snap back into place.