Puppet Showplace Theater

The Need:
The Puppet Showplace Theater has asked us to develop an adapted rod puppet to assist these puppeteers. Some puppeteers have disabilities minimizing their ability to control a puppet with the arms, wrists, and fingers, we have developed a solution for puppet operation that reduces the strain for operating the puppets. A mechanism to incorporate into a rod puppet that can move the arms and mouth of the puppet with less strain on the user’s arms, hands, and fingers. Must be removable and usable on a variety of rod puppets
The Solution:
Rod puppet mechanism where the movement of the buttons on our design drive the movement of the arms and jaw. 3D printed buttons drive the movement of both the arms and mouth. 3D printed base to accommodate the movement and length of buttons. 3D printed arms movement by buttons as strings are connected on the back of the arm from inside the rod. 3D printed jaw where strings are connected at back and rubber band in front.