RFID/BLE Attachment

The Need:
It is estimated there are 285 million visually impaired people in the world who have been independently living and navigating in a world designed for seeing people. Despite modern technological advancement, there have not been great advancements for the visually impaired culture. Currently, there is no good option to read medium-range information such as billboards or hours on a storefront. Imagine the tools you use to get around a new place that is only available to sighted people?
The Solution:
Our product is a cane attachment that reads information off of markers placed around cities. The device can be used independently or it can be paired with a smartphone to offer more features. There are two sides - products for an institution (or company) to implement for the user and of course products for the user. Starting with these 3 institution products. The first is static RFID tags; these are used for storing information that doesn't change often. You can think of something like a room number, a street sign, or the name of a building. The next two work in tandem.
Our Bluetooth beacons are used to store richer, more rapidly changing information. Something like a restaurant and its menu or the T and its arrival times. And the last is the application, we provide to update this frequently changing information on the Bluetooth beacons. The user products are used to read from the institution products. The first is the device, it can read from both the static RFID tags and the dynamic Bluetooth beacons and output this information over audio. Finally, we have an optional phone application, if you are already familiar with the accessibility features on your device we offer connection using our application.